Specialized PhD in Neuroscience / BENEFRI


The Specialized PhD in Neuroscience requires a total of 13 ECTS. The attendance to the BENEFRI workshop (three times), the Hands-on Workshop (once), the Neuroscience lecture series (previously BENESCO Lectures) and the GCB courses are mandatory. The remaining ECTS should to be obtained through optional lectures, courses, journal clubs, acquired techniques, etc. (see below) that must be outlined together with the thesis supervisor to provide a customized curriculum for each student.

Mandatory: Neuro-ethics-Scientific integrity (GCB) Scientific writing (GCB) BENEFRI Neuroscience Workshop BENEFRI Hands-On workshops Neuroscience Lecture Series (NLS)

Optional: Courses, lectures, soft skills improvement, journal clubs, experimental techniques or conferences.

Course titles ECTS Notes
BENEFRI Neuroscience Workshops 6 3 times attendance over 4-year PhD Mandatory
Hands-On Neuroscience Workshop 3 1 time attendance over 4-year PhD Mandatory
Neuroscience lecture series 2 80% presence required to take the exam Mandatory
Neuro-ethics-Scientific integrity (GCB) 1 GCB requirement Mandatory
Scientific writing (GCB) 1 GCB requirement Mandatory
Neurophysiology course 0.5 0.5 ECTS for course attendance/+1 ECTS if exam Optional
Neuroanatomy course 0.5 0.5ECTS for course attendance/+1 ECTS if exam Optional